5 Marketing Trends To Watch For in 2019
The boom of content marketing and its ever-changing nature forces us to constantly be on the lookout for the latest trends. Here is a list of five marketing trends to watch for this year.
Multicultural Marketing: For many companies, diversity and inclusion is one of the most pressing and difficult issues to overcome. There are huge demographics of people all over the world that brands are not resonating with. Acknowledging other minorities and cultures and recognizing the unique perspective they bring not only helps move society forward, but can be a valuable marketing tool.
Word of Mouth Marketing: It has been proven that only a small amount of consumers believe marketers practice integrity. What does a marketer do when the people they need to persuade don’t trust them? They rely on customers’ recommendation of their brand or company. Because consumers realize marketers have an agenda, they tend to trust other consumers over brands. To excel in word of mouth marketing, companies must focus on providing the best customer service.
Podcasts: Studies have shown people age 12 and older are listening to online audio content more and more. Because the demand for audio content has grown exponentially, entertaining and unique Podcasts can be beneficial to marketing efforts.
Shows: Storytelling is a powerful medium as it has the potential to resonate emotionally with prospective customers. Creating shows can entice your target audience to look further into your brand, subscribe to your updates and get more excited about new content.
Social Media Stories: The growth of social media “stories” has shown marketers the importance of using this format in their digital marketing strategies. Companies can even use live video to promote engagement and brand awareness. Because stories disappear after a certain period of time, this is an excellent opportunity to make good use of FOMO (fear of missing out). You can also feature employees or the making of a product.